The Clinic offers various treatments, from basic comprehensive programs in nutrition, rehabilitation to Chiropractic and medical care for all Patients. Some have deficiencies of vitamines, malnutition and lack of hygiene with infections, Back pain, hypertension and even diabetis. We receive from Monday to Friday: Almost 200 Patients a week.They call us : « The Charity’Clinic »
Doctor Anne Marie Diahoua, a Nun Doctor of Notre Dame of Rosary is a Chiropractor and has a Master degree in Biology. She loves working at the Clinic, likes to investigate various Chiropractic Techniques that are available in our field and opens her heart to the healing joy of the sense of innate philosophy of chiropractic, which she creates additional plans that meet individual needs. In that matter, I enjoy watching her talking with the Patients for advices, attention and dedication.
Two Nurses who do blood tests and run our laboratory for analysis are great and have patience, determination to work properly and precisely.
When Sister Dr Yengo was in Italy for the past year,the staff members put all their skills in action , obtained great improvements which made the Clinic be very effective. All those potentials built confidence around Patients and brought forward our facilicities to grow better.
Kinesitherapists, Assistant Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, and Massage Therapist are still there, sharing various informations on all most recent diagnostic therapy, test results, supplements, and medical activities.
The Clinic continues to work with two doctors from the Central Hospital : Dr Massamba, MD and Dr. Regis, an Orthopedist. They used to come twice a week to the Clinic from 1PM to 4 PM as volunteers. Now, the new program is lightly modified on the different days. Monday and Friday, is Dr Massamba’ turn to be at the clinic ; and Tuesday and Thursday, Dr Regis receives all Patients with Orthopedic problems.
The volunteer eye Doctor who examines our Patients every Thursday from 2PM to 4PM modified also his program and chooses to be available on Wednesday. He seems very happy with the Iceland Program of glasses’project. So many Patients can have free reading glasses
The Clinician of Psychology, Dr Michel is in Europe, he was in charge of taking care of our HIV / AIDS’ Patients. He wrote to Dr Yengo and will be back in March 2020 . He remains a volunteer once again and will start at the Clinic where he left his work as he mentionned . He will meet with Patients and has the ability of conforting them, assuring them and supporting them in all the way, sometimes until death.
Whilethe Clinical Psychologist is abroad, Sister Dr Yengo took over the Program, talks with patients and supplies information about AIDS prevention with teenagers for preventive measures in speeches about HIV/AIDS.
Free medicines are given, the diagnostics revealed after RX, ECG, different blood test, analysis and MRI..
Health in the Country is a huge problem : lack of medical facilities, lack of medical insurance ; structures like medicare, Medicaid do not exist. Families have to pay all of their own charges, but they are poor and no money. What to do then ? the only place left, is the Charity Clinic as they call it, to be treated with love , tenderness and compassion.